Reports from the Testing Trenches - What I learned from introducing tools for automated testing


Your team has decided to use automated testing tools to improve your testing strategy. As icing on the cake, you have received a budget allocated for it, without having to painfully cut it away from other development tasks.

Congratulations, some of the most difficult obstacles have been conquered!

Unfortunately, some still need to be surmounted in order to make your (automated) testing journey a successful one.


Let me share my experiences regarding

- tool selection

- team composition and needed competencies

- infrastructural challenges

- what and how to test

- maintenance and responsibility


I invite you to learn from the mistakes and observations I have made and challenges I have mastered while introducing automated testing to various companies.

Nutzen für den Teilnehmer:
- Not repeating the same mistakes that others have made before.
- Being aware of and thus recognizing common challenges and what can be done about them.
- Understanding automated testing (or testing in general) as a journey that continuously evolves, resulting in the need to adapt to changing circumstances and to maintain existing structures to retain their usefulness.

Behandelte Problemstellungen:
What should a team embarking on an automated testing journey look like? What competencies are essential?
Who is responsible?

What tool should be chosen and, more importantly, what are the criteria to select a good tool? How does this relate to team composition?

What pitfalls do we have to be aware of before even implementing a single test? Think about infrastructure and testdata but also wether we know enough about the given system to write useful tests.

Vortragssprache: Englisch
Level: Fortgeschrittene
Zielgruppe: Teams starting on their automated testing journey and/or those looking to optimize their strategy

Hyand Solutions GmbH

Vorgetragen von:
Fabian Neureiter

Fabian Neureiter