Submit your Scientific Paper now

Note: The scientific lectures are conducted entirely in English.

Scientific Program Info

The 17th Software Quality Days (SWQD 2025) conference and tools fair is one of the largest software quality conferences in Europe. The conference is also one of the premier events fostering industry-academia collaboration. It includes a scientific program on research and industry experience, bringing together researchers and practitioners from business, industry, and academia working on quality assurance, quality management, and testing for software and information technology.

The conference’s guiding topic for 2025 will be "Balancing Software Innovation and Regulatory Compliance".

The keynote related to this topic will be provided by Prof. Jan Bosch from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, renowned for his outstanding expertise and groundbreaking contributions in the field of software engineering as well as large-scale R&D and innovation management.

Deadlines for Scientific Papers

Paper Submission: until October 31st, 2024
Notification of accepted/rejected papers: December 11th, 2024
Camera-ready paper for Springer Publication: January 17th, 2025


Theme and Topics

High software and systems quality are critical success factors in engineering reliable and sustainable solutions that benefit users and customers. Quality must be understood in its broadest sense, encompassing product, process, and service quality with a wide range of different quality attributes and requirements as well as related quality assurance and management activities throughout all phases of software and systems development.

We welcome contributions about all topics related to software and systems quality, with particular interest - but not limited to - this year’s overall conference theme on "Balancing Software Innovation and Regulatory Compliance".

  • Quality management in software and systems engineering
  • Regulatory requirements engineering 
  • Methods and tools for constructive and analytical quality assurance
  • Testing of software and software-intensive systems
  • Process improvement for development and testing
  • Automation in quality assurance and testing
  • Domain-specific quality issues such as embedded, medical, and automotive systems
  • Requirements engineering and management
  • Continuous integration, deployment, and delivery
  • Project and risk management
  • Software product management
  • Metrics and measurement for products, processes, projects
  • Applications of AI and machine learning for software and systems quality
  • Secure coding, software engineering, and system design
  • Detection and prevention of vulnerabilities and security threats
  • Privacy and data protection
  • Trust and certification for AI-based systems
  • Protection of software and intellectual properties

Publication Information

The main scientific program of SWQD 2025 conference accepts two types of submissions. In both categories, papers demonstrating practical relevance and evaluations in a practical setting will be preferred.

  • Technical Research Papers should describe novel and sound research on topics related to software and systems quality. They should describe an original contribution to the field or a significant improvement of an existing solution. Papers should also be clear about its contributions with respect to related work and to previous work by the authors. It must provide (empirical) validation of the proposed solution, e.g., a proof-of-concept, and sound arguments that the solution will scale to real-world problems. Results must be stated clearly so that others can further validate them in later research.
  • Industrial Experience Papers should describe significant observations, insights and experience about real-world applications related to software and systems quality. Papers should carefully identify and discuss important lessons learned so that other researchers and/or practitioners can benefit from this experience. Authors should clearly describe the real-world context (system, project, team/organization, applied tools and technologies, etc.) and provide empirical evidence supporting the experience and derived conclusions.


Evaluation: The language of the scientific program is English. All submissions to the scientific program will be rigorously reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee on their scientific merit, practical relevance, and alignment with conference topics. Papers must contain original unpublished work that must not have been previously published or submitted for review elsewhere.


Best Paper Awards: The SWQD 2025 conference will provide best paper awards in both categories, i.e., technical research papers and industrial experience papers.

Submission Instructions

Papers must be submitted in PDF format (selecting the category technical research or industrial experience) via EasyChair.

Submit now

Submissions to the main scientific program must adhere to the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) format since accepted papers are planned to appear in the conference proceedings published in the research publication series Springer LNBIP (

Papers may be accepted as regular full or short papers.

  • Full Papers: should be 15-20 pages (in Springer LNBIP proceedings format)
  • Short Papers: should be 8-12 pages (in Springer LNBIP proceedings format)

For inclusion in the proceedings, accepted papers must be personally presented at the Software Quality Days 2025 conference by one of the authors. Note: The presenting author can participate free of charge at the conference. Additional authors/presenters can participate at a discounted fee.

The Program Co-Chairs, Steering Committee, and the Program Committee of the scientific program can be found on the list of committees of the SWQD conference.

Call for Scientific Papers